Can also be done as communist Yugoslavia. Continue working on boosting fascist support in Finland and keeping their stability below 70%, once facism is above 20% begin preparing a coup in the land Islands, this is crucial as they will remain undefeatable by mainland Finland, once the coup is complete (and it is important to do this before late 1939 / early 1940 to avoid the Soviet Union getting involved) begin using 'Diplomatic Pressure' and 'Improve Relations' on the fascist rebels, they will survive almost indefinitely and once world tension is around 55% you will be able to create a faction with them, alternatively you can now freely justify on Finland as now they are at war which prevents them from being guaranteed, just make sure you haven't already started the faction as that could cause them to join the Allies. Once you finish "Autonomous Soviet Republics" you will need to release all of these nations as puppets: Lithuania, Finland, Mongolia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bukharan, Altai and The Far East, You will also then need to return Biaystok to Poland after this. At some point the allies will gain air superiority over the two sea zones and Italy. Save at least 150 pp for the start of the war, so you can immediately increase your conscription law. The Confederacy of American States appears in the same southern states as the original Confederate States. Does not have has_paradropped_flag set. You also need to make sure you have enough transports at the airfield, and they can't be doing logistics missions. Take all of France and puppet the Netherlands and wait for them to have bicycle divisions. Note that Transylvania needs to own all Romanian cores, meaning that if historical focus is turned on, you have to finish the war before Germany does the Second Vienna Award focus. Thread starter podcat; Start date Feb 5, 2020; Hi everyone! Accept Italy's offer for peace. You only need to occupy the states, not own them. Choose Fascist Demagogue as your first Political Power spending, turn Fascist (skip Civil War option) and join the Axis, Start Justifying War on the UK and when it's done declare war, Declaring war on a country before it joins the Allies does, Not Germany and not in faction with Germany. Take Unite the Anglosphere, train up your army to 96 divisions and station them on the Canadian-American border, and also train 20 cavalry units - stage 5 naval invasions of 2 cavalry units into France, and 10 cavalry units onto the Canadian-Alaskan Border. Keep going down the focus and complete Convene with The Grand Council. Adjust your industries as necessary, build only military factories and maybe infrastructures for now as you will get a lot of civilian factories very soon. The achievement can be done controlling Moscow or Berlin after that date. Annex everything except for Romania, just take their lands except those 3 provinces that will be claimed by the USSR. Fully research a land, naval and air doctrine tree. As an optional bonus, boost communist party popularity in. It can be done quickly as Japan. Because you need to be able to overrun the Allied divisions in Egypt and be able to defend your home against both land attacks and naval invasions. Once Non-aligned popularity is over 50% (you can make it faster by banning Democratic and Communist as well as Press Censorship and Anti-fascist Raids), take the Power to The King focus then immediately take the 3 focuses after it starting with Seek Papal Support. Turn on historical focus to have USSR and Germany sign Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. To actually form the Confederacy, complete the national focus "Honor the Confederacy" and all of its constituent decisions before the civil war ends. Once the Soviet Union falls and the peace conference triggers, just take Onega and Olonets (or any other region neighbouring Finland), you can then satellite the constituents nations but DO NOT puppet the USSR itself. Neither of them can be a puppet. does not have country flag: invalid_for_danzig_achievement At this point, it should be trivial to conquer the rest of the world (you can also just join the Japanese faction if you annex Siam before they get the chance to ally them, thus eliminating the need to conquer them). If the Turks refuse to attack, pull away the majority of your forces, and then send them back when they start to attack what was left behind. Man of a Thousand Faces, Every One the Same. You (only) need Stockholm for the achievement. Turn Communist, join Comintern and take Romania to have a border with Soviet Union, Build up Sudetenland to level 7 forts and don't give up Sudetenland, When Germany attacks hold on till Soviets arrive and beat them (if you are quick Italy will not join Axis), Take the best Germany provinces (by resources and IC), build up your forces and take Italy, Balkans and France (avoid fighting with Allies if possible), Build up your navy, attack the Allies and island hop to Australia, It is easier with historical AI turned off (Hungary can take Austria and/or ally with Italy, France may not join the Allies), Turn fascist, justify on Austria and Yugoslavia ASAP(don't choose any focus to get extra PP) - make sure both justifications finish at around the same time to avoid guarantees (playing on nonhistorical will reduce guarantee chances), During your justifications, take the focus 'Trust with the West' to get rid of the Romanian guarantee on you, pulling Romania in the war also, In peace deal, annex the states you need to form Austria-Hungary, You can then justify and annex Hungary to form AH, giving you cores(manpower + extra factories), You can then join Japan's faction and invade from their territory, Alternatively just join Axis, get military access from Japan (when they war on Allies) and naval invade from Japan (VERY easy), Join Axis, declare war, wait a few days for Netherlands to send more troops to the frontline, paradrop on victory points (don't call Germany), Join the war when Germany attacks Poland, paradrop into Northern Territory, take Canberra (don't call East Indies). Even if Sweden intercepts one divisions, they never will be able to get them all. However, when Germany does declare war on the Soviets, asks for military access from at least Germany and Italy. Guarantee Finland as the USSR justifies a war goal on them. Take King Michael's Coup to flip to Democratic and wait until Poland capitulates and the Soviet Union takes Eastern Poland. Otherwise, move 48 divisions to the Iranian border and the rest to the border with the Axis. Justify on Portugal, and naval invade them from the Cape by splitting off subs for naval superiority. Capitulate and puppet Italy (the achievement does not require Italy to be in control of all of it's cores). Aim to raise resistance in African countries distant from each other, not next to a country in the Allies faction, and comprised of one state. After the first liberation, Vichy goes to war, joins the Axis, and is at war with the Allies. For best results, complete the "Work with the bund" and "Recruit the Free Corps" national focuses. If going the Balkan Federation route, a country will flip above 60% communist support, Romania and Greece are particularly important to get on your side. Your research consists of anti-air upgrades, engineer upgrades and upgrades to infantry weapons/bonuses. Can be done in conjunction with the "It's 1812 All Over Again" achievement as Canada. Let Germany get to -85 opinion so they get the war goal against you. Listen Very Carefully, I Shall Say This Have a French and British spy work together on the same Operation. Ignore China and earn enough Political Power to justify war goal on Mexico for generating lesser World Tension, then declare war as early as possible. Their army is really weak and the Germans will never go after it when you have it annexed. 5: Control the Iranian Province of Hamadan (either by you or a faction member). As South Africa, have 9 civilian factories in Transvaal. Conquer Belgium and Luxembourg as Netherlands. In order to get states to join your faction via decision it is important to have more manpower deployed to the field, and puppet expeditionary forces contribute to this number. With Historical Focus Off, the UK has a chance of becoming fascist or non-aligned. Start the game with historical AI and follow the focus tree down the communist route. As Manchukuo, Break free from Japan and annex your former Overlord without being in a faction. Follow the "Return of the Kaiser" and the "Focus on the True Enemy" path in the "Oppose Hitler" tree until you get to the "Assassinate Mussolini" Focus. get your war goal from focus "Pan-Africanism", declare war on UK. Eliminate Warlords who don't submit quickly by rushing their victory points or in the case of. Simply take the focus Organize the Peasants Strike and then take the decisions to claim provinces as well as the option to expand the strike to the factories. Offmap military factories do not count as they are considered occupied factories and are not specifically on your territory. Try to avoid direct confrontations with their troops if possible. Lend-lease to Netherlands until you can annex them. For your focusses: The Castle -> Prepare for the Inevitable -> Resistance Industries -> Exile Industries -> The Sanitation Right -> The Sanitation Left down to A New King in the Castle -> Local Western Plans and then economic focusses for more factories/resources. Having USSR as a Supervised State will count for the achievement. Once the civil wars are over, immediately take "the unification of the balkans" focus, from test runs this can consistently be done Jan-March 1939, annexing Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania. After they have offered peace, accept it, and kick Communist China from your faction. Remember to build Infrastructure, Railroads and Supply Hubs, as Chinese supply is mostly atrocious. Begin by creating and upgrading a spy agency five times to get a second agent and deleting your entire army, start turning fascist through a demagogue and then prepare for a civil war via decisions, continually use the 'Expand civil support' decision to lower stability below 50%, once below 50% stability ignite civil war and rush out one cavalry division to b-line for Stockholm, the enemy should have zero divisions and very little territory so this will be enough to capitulate them. If you think you should have got this and haven't, double check you haven't missed one that wasn't mutually exclusive on the same row of the tree. Merge all your ships in one single fleet and place it in one of your ports near Denmark with the order, Start the war. Keep going down the focus up to Mare Nostrum. Once you are able to declare war launch naval invasions in the south on and around ports, supporting contested landing with encirclements to quickly gain sea access. So only start boosting in provinces controlled by your enemies. Annexed Mexico before taking any territory in Europe That way if you aren't making forts you are making military factories. Puppet Bulgaria and follow up with Terror and Fear to start the war with Turkey and Romania. For advisors and such: The only chief of army you have, Marian Kukiel, Stanislaw Maczek (for Army Exp), FB (Infantry Equipment), and the War Industrialist. Pick Organize the peasant's strike, then the two communist options. Since you have taken the Believe, Obey, Fight focus, you should be able to hire Dino Grandi as advisor. Once Strengthen the Papacy focus is complete, take Utilize the Blackshirt focus. After securing the Mediterranean, it can easily be done with a small 1944 strategic bomber fleet (without any escort) by taking control of the following provinces: Gibraltar (118), Azores (698), Bermuda (696). The only one to watch for is Romania: if the Turkish Straits are closed, Germany will have no land or sea route to Romania and might puppet instead. Achievements can only be gained in single-player Ironman games, with the 1936 start, on regular, veteran or elite difficulty. number of support equipment in armies > 220. This achievement is ideally tackled as a nation that can receive more than just the standard nuclear research bonus in the generic focus tree - Germany is an ideal choice if one goes Democratic, given that on top of a bonus to nuclear weapons, it can get an ahead of time bonus on nukes. Make the cheapest Battlecruisers you can and build 6 at the same time (you start with 3) with all your dockyards assigned, build more dockyards to speed up construction. Hire an ideology-changing advisor and prepare for a civil war. This focus unlocks a decision to ask Turkey for control of the states needed for this achievement. As Manchukuo, have max level infrastructure in every owned state and generate at least 15 units of oil. As the Netherlands, liberate the continental Netherlands after relocating the government to the East Indies. The difficulty of each achievement varies; some achievements are very easy (e.g. Otherwise when they capitulate, they are no longer at war and the achievement doesn't fire. However, if you lose all your territory you will white peace with Ethiopia and the achievement will be no longer available. Note: the text is dynamic and refers to the current Yugoslavian ruler. But it shouldn't be more than 2 or 3 that do so. Achievement will pop after landing in Iceland. Best done in conjunction with "Sun Tzu Reborn" after finishing "Battlecry" or "Awake and angry". Start your focuses with one of the three military branch focuses, basically you want all that leads to Supermarina, Superecescito, and Superaereo as you will only have a small window of opportunity to complete these focuses, though you can ignore Supermarina if you have no wish to play with the navy. Set up a frontline along the Polish border. Once Restoring the Megali Idea focus is reached, start it and choose to invite Italy along to prevent the loss of stability. Conquered all core territory of China and Manchukuo not including the states of Hong Kong(326) , Macau (729) and Guangzhouwan (728). Then, just wait until they make enough divisions, and request them (leave the Comintern/Axis and then form your own faction for the achievement if you didn't get a chance to take over faction leadership).. Any country at war with the player and Poland has the Global flag warsaw_liberated_self_flag is set. Set some factories to build Transport Planes. The only countries that have to be at least partially controlled by the player (or in their faction) is Gibraltar, Spain, France, Siam and Malaya. Don't spend PP negotiating for rearmament, refuse the restrictions once you form your faction. Never take "Unleash La Cagoule" decision. If you take some ports in the Balkans, ask the Allies for military access and prepare a naval invasion on Latium. requires the Assertiveness Sub-branch of the focus tree, The Soviet Union is a subject of Mexico. One possible route is this: Go to "Assemble the regency council" then "Fulfill the 5th of November Act". So you should have no problem pushing up from the Austrian territories (besides hitting the Czechoslovak forts at some point). An easier way to do this achievement is to turn fascist as a warlord, then join the Japanese faction. Delete all units before civil war fires, then win with Soviet volunteer forces you get. A third way is to turn off La Resistance. As the U.S.A., assume faction leadership of the Allies, and have over 50 expeditionary divisions from the United Kingdom. Has full control of Albania (44), Confederacy of American States: Does not exist. Note: Don't forget the Dodecanese islands south of turkey Perhaps faster and more consistent, but also a more difficult method to get this achievement. As long as Italy has not completed Pact of Steel, they will accept. As the opposer of Stalin, you can get millitary access from those countries during civil war. Easiest way is to promote fascism in France from the start of the game, then complete "Danzig for Slovakia" to gain control of Danzig without going to war with the Allies (incl. This one requires one to be in the winning side against both Axis and Allies. As Romania, make it to 1942 with all the states you started it with and control either Moscow or Berlin. Play on Historical AI to prevent the US from interfering with your conquests until mid-1944. Once Greece and Romania are 20% communist you should be able to launch coups in both of them (if you need extra infantry equipment, delete your army. If you go too far, they will overrun you. Requires Germany to follow the Monarchist branch of their focus tree. As Germany, capitulate the Soviet Union without taking Stalingrad. Before you take the Monarchia d'Italia focus, there are a couple of things you want. You can only train 75% of the manpower currently on the field with a minimum of 100.00K. You can get Spain via either Iberian Protection or All Roads Lead to Rome focus, the latter requires you to reduce their autonomy to annex them. From now on, build up to be able to take Germans when they attack. This way you can guarantee Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan and you can join in the fight and invite them to your faction once the USSR declare war on them. May be completed with Bad Romeance. The achievement triggers when the peace conference ends. Upon completion of the Our Place in the Sun Focus, the achievement will fire off. Hearts of Iron IV has 171 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics. It has a ton of really easy ones and a ton more of almost imposible (AKA tedious) to get such as The Three Mountains. The Netherlands has not lost one of its starting states This achievement works well with Habsburgs. and you get a canton, everybody gets a canton! Hearts of Iron IV Achievements FAQ How many Hearts of Iron IV achievements are there? Puppets may only change ideology via 'Paramilitary Training' Decisions or war. Peru can also be easily naval invaded from the Galapagos because even though it has a bigger navy, they won't use it for the first couple of months of the war. Declare on Finland, but only annex land and click Done. Canada and Mexico probably have the best shot at doing it early, with a quick war against the US and lots of puppet manpower. It can be done before WW2 1939. When Germany attacks the Soviet Union, do not join the war and wait until Germany forces the Soviet Union to 80% surrender progress, then take the decision, thus earning you the second Georgia. Kick Tannu Tuva from your faction and justify a war goal against them. Follow the right most side of focus tree to become communist and put Trotsky in charge. Cave to the German, join the Axis and take your naval focuses. Play as any South American nation if you want to AFK. Use your forces to mop up the Turkish forces trapped in the Bosphorus, then have them retreat back to the starting border. May be done in conjunction with the Hail to the Qing and the The Good, the Bad and the Weird achievements. Remember to only annex the states from S-A that border the Red Sea and to puppet the rest. Go down the communist focus tree, make your own faction and do communist uprisings first in Albania and Bulgaria, then Romania. Your starting army and fleet will be enough to destroy them. As Spain, have at least 5 spies and stage 5 coups against other nations. Both nations need to be either in a capitulated state or annexed to trigger. But don't do this yet! Fighting in Europe also give you nice autonomy boost (not as large as Lend Lease) but remember that if you win too soon you will be stuck with only 0.5 autonomy daily from focus. Again. As of recent patch, the Balance of Power will easily run to the right side upon war victories, making harder to push it to the left, so it is best not to trigger this mechanic until you are done with your conquest. What is the rarest hoi4 achievement? Press the decision to Form Siberian State. If the UK becomes communist, France will likely create its own Little Entente alliance, and invite the UK to it. As communist Italy, save Gramsci from the brink of death, make him the leader of Italy and form the Italian National Union. The below list groups the various achievements by a difficulty level as assessed by the wiki editors (uncategorized - UC - achievements haven't been assessed yet). Control all states belonging to the United Kingdom in Europe that is not a core of Ireland and Northern Ireland. 0.13%. Once Germany has defeated France and Vichy France has appeared, take the 'Anti-French Propaganda' decision to increase resistance in their African Provinces. Take the focus "Revise the Constitution" then take "Balkans Dominance". Currently, if Turkey refuses, the decision will appear again after a few days. After taking Austria, go down the civil warpath and then follow down the democratic side of the focus tree. You can start training a ton of 1-battalion divisions and boost the template later. All states are either owned by one of the above countries or is not a core of China and Manchukuo, As fascist Italy, have max level railways in all your core states. And you should have this achievement in no time. Although Together for Victory is not required; the achievement is much easier with it due to the DLC granting National Focuses specifically geared for this. Pick Regency Council, and 'Seek an Alliance with the Kaiser' once Germany completes Return of the Kaiser or Monarchy Compromise. Then simply invite the puppets into your faction. As of 1.9, capitulating one of the other factions(Anarchists/Fascists/Carlists) in the civil war as the Republicans, even if the civil war hasn't ended, will trigger the achievement. Remove the Fascist Demagogue once Romania flips to Fascist. Primarily in California for the Lv10 Naval Base. Avoid accepting anyone into your faction who is not fascist, as you can't go to war with them later to change their ideology. Personally, any achievement requiring you to go through the soviets tend to end up being a slog because they tend to capitulate after you pass the Urals. Guarding your ports and continually taking propaganda decisions will get you to 30 in around 5 years. With historical focuses on, Turkey will join the Allies in 1943. The trigger flag is le_clerc2. This allows you to hire the advisor which increase non-aligned popularity. 17.6% We'll build it in a This way divisions which will retreat will do so to the empty middle tile that your armies surround. Although, given the military capabilities by that point, and that Germany will probably invade France too, it shouldn't be a big problem to do so. Do not declare independence through the focus as the USSR would declare war on you, ask the USSR for Eastern Poland back and they should accept. Organize your troops on the frontiers with France and Poland, but create one army with all your light tanks. Alternatively help Germany kill the Allies by naval invading the UK after the fall of France then kill Germany. Furthermore, there is a chance that the UK completely decolonizes on non-historical. Importantly, the chance of Czechoslovakia accepting is VERY low. Repeat until the Turks have little manpower left in the field, then push forward and capitulate them. Only Work for AI. The war with Ireland should be easily done within 70 days. Guarantee Greece and Yugoslavia, and then when Italy goes to war with one, answer the call to arms. requires the Assertiveness Sub-branch of the focus tree. Alternatively, try to naval invade Soviet's far east front and capture a few victory point provinces. There are 143 achievements to unlock in Hearts of Iron IV worth a total of 2179 gamerscore. You do not have to go to war and simply need enough political power to repeat the decisions. You can detour and get your 5th research slot as well as The New Emperor of Ethiopia and Topple the Amhara Rulers focuses if you wish. More than 4499 infantry equipment in armies, Take The King's Party focus route, justify and annex the 3 independent nation of the peninsula, Make a camel template and train 30 of them. Can be done immediately at the start of the game as Italy. Justify on Republican Spain, and declare war. Then go to American Institute of Sciences. Station your 13 divisions on the single province connecting Greece and Turkey on the Greek side of the Bosphorus, and let your forces defend (consider giving them Maintenance companies to make up for the equipment deficit) while having your starting navy on strike force to stop Turkish or Romanian naval invasions. When Japan has declared on China, justify/declare on China, too. West Germany or East Germany will not count, even if you puppet both. Justify/declare/naval invade Ireland early. Before request UK, give an order for the new army (for example, garrison or invasion), otherwise they will refuse. While you take the decisions to boost fascism in Finland go for "Develop Natural Resources" and "Invest in Baltic Trade". Personally, I would keep the mainland Europe France cores. Note you may need to have some AA gun in stock, or the recomposed division may not return equipment to stock. (When defending any river, make sure your divisions are small enough to reinforce combat even when tactics have reduced combat width by 50%. The "Notes" column lists helpful short tips/strategies. Have your infantry secure the Maginot Line, convert all non-infantry units you control to the starting Panzer Division, and take Army Innovations to gain 10 XP (use said XP to add 2 more motorized units to the Panzer Division template) - optionally take Treaty with the USSR for early Medium Tanks if you plan on doing more than just this achievement. Do not call Bulgaria to war yet, focus on defeating Turkey first. joining a faction), while some are more difficult (e.g. Getting to the coast is easiest through either Yugoslavia or Romania.

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what is the rarest hoi4 achievement